
Intelligent Manufacturing System
Component unmanned welding production line
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  • Description

    The unmanned welding production line for components incl♔udes automatic loading and unloading of heavy-duty RGV components, automatic robot welding and automatic transportation, automatic detection of welded components, automatic transportation after passing the inspection, and components automatically rolled off the assembly line by RGV. The production line is controlled by the scheduling system to complete the automatic production of differenꦜt types of products, and the production process is automated. Make factory manufacturing truly unmanned, informatized and intelligent.

    Structure: The production line is composed of heavy-duty RGV automatic loading and unloading system, robot a🔥utomatic welding system, product automatic detection syꦑstem, logistics automatic conveying line and production line control system.

    Technical ca𒈔pabilities: automated welding production lines for military products.

    相关标签: manufacturingworkshopan🔯dpipeprefabricationworksta𒀰tions