
The spring agent sales and after-sales service training course was successfully launched

The spring agent sales and after-sales service🌃 training c꧂ourse was successfully launched

[Time: 2011-05-09]

In April, in order to strengthen the sales and service capab🌃ilities of agents, help agents improve sales performance, improve technical capabilities and service quality, Kunshan Huaheng🐎 successively held agent after-sales service training and agent sales training exchange activities.

Du𝔍ring the sales training, the Huaheng sales team e🥃xchanged successful marketing cases, shared product knowledge, and introduced the agent management policy with various agent partners. Confidence to help agents achieve greater benefits.

During the after-sales service training, the Huaheng after-sales service team gave a♓n in-depth explanation of the product operation process, use method, safety precautions for equipment use, maintenance, and troubleshooting for the after-sales personnel of each agent. During the whole training process, all trainers are familiar with the product through the practical operation of the prototype, and provide better guarantee for the technical support and aft❀er-sales service of regional customers.

Url: //ms107.com/en/news/414.html

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